Seeking Safety Webinar FAqs
4/24 nts: keep this page [was the final version of the old way we did it, all on one pg, bef switched now to sep pgs]
Welcome to the training! We're happy to have you and hope it's a great day for you.
Welcome to the training! We're happy to have you and hope it's a great day for you.
the training day
- The schedule for the day includes a 30-minute lunch break and two 15-minute breaks, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. The lunch break is 3 hours after the start of the webinar (so if the webinar begins at 10a ET, lunch will be at 1p ET; if the webinar begins at 11a ET, lunch will be at 2p ET). The trainer will decide on the timing of the other breaks.
- See the full day detailed agenda for the content (but see above for timing of lunch/breaks.
- Please be aware of your timezone and use this easy timezone converter to help.
- Smile! We encourage you to have your webcam on, but we don’t require it.
- Please list your full, real name in Zoom during the training so we can verify that it was you who attended. Also the name you enter on Zoom will be the one on your attendance certificate (sorry but we are unable to make changes later unless it was our error). How to change your name on Zoom? Easy-peasy! Hover over your picture and click the 3 dots next to it, and click Change Name.
- Please remember your unique Zoom link can’t be shared. "Sharing is caring" except when it comes to Zoom links-- it's unethical to share your link with anyone. This also means that you cannot have more than one person at the same computer or device. Each person was sent a separate Zoom link to their email. If a Zoom link is shared, neither person will receive any certificate-- no exceptions, regardless of reason, as we’re subject to audit for all certificates and are required to use Zoom’s automated attendance report.
- If you encounter a Zoom link issue, be sure to email Chris Jones in real time so it can get resolved. For example, if you did not receive your Zoom link, or you are having difficulty using it, etc., we need to know about that. Per above, it is not acceptable to use someone else's link or attend the training on someone else's computer or device.
- Technology is amazing these days-- but please note that we do not allow AI nor transcripts or other materials to be created from the webinar. We appreciate you respecting that.
- You can switch devices during the training (e.g., laptop then later mobile phone), but need to use the same Zoom link and check that your name is correct each time (see the point above).
- If you use a mobile phone or tablet for any part of the training, email or text Chris Jones the phone number so we’ll know it’s you (Zoom won’t show your name, just your number, and we need your name to let you in, and later to verify that you attended and issue your certificate).
- If you run into tech problems, try rebooting your computer and logging in again to the meeting. See also the "Problems with Technology" section below.
- No recording is allowed, for any reason. Thank you for honoring that.
- If you run into tech problems, try rebooting your computer and logging in again to the meeting. See also the "Problems with Technology" section below.
all about handouts / books / powerpoint
Handouts for today's training Can I have a copy of the powerpoint?
- Our powerpoint slides, unfortunately, are not distributed. However everything that is covered at the training is in the book and/or on our website (e.g., the section FAQs, implementation, library, etc.). We also have a Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to others in your agency. There are various reasons why we stopped sharing the powerpoint some years ago but the gist is that we used to release the slides but then some people would take the slides, say they were trained by us, and then hold their own training on the model and give substantial misinformation. Thanks for understanding.
- Sorry, the webinar is recorded just for internal quality assurance but is not available for viewing; and no recording of the webinar is allowed. However everything that is covered at the training is in the book and/or on our website (e.g., the section FAQs, implementation, library, etc.). We also have a Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to others in your agency and an Overview of Seeking Safety.
- A Seeking Safety book is needed for each person who will conduct Seeking Safety (per the publisher) but is not required at the training as we use the handouts above for the training itself. Note: if you ordered the book through our website or with your registration, be aware of shipping times.
- If you have not ordered a book and want to, see the book options, which includes paperback and ebook.
- You may also be interested in two other books that are relevant to the training: the Seeking Safety Adolescent Toolkit and Finding Your Best Self.
- Various fun but optional implementation are also available here (Seeking Safety card deck, poster, translations, etc.)
certificates for attendance / continuing education (CEs)
Yay! Everyone gets an attendance certificate if they meet all of the below:
- Use their unique Zoom link
- Don’t share their link
- Can be identified on the automated Zoom attendance report.
- Attend the full training. The teaching time is 6 hours (6 x 60 minutes is 360 minutes), plus there's 1/2 hour lunch and 2 15-min breaks in addition to that (420 minutes, 7 hours, e.g., 10a-5p). We require a minimum of 320 minutes of the teaching time to receive a certificate (we allow for 40 minutes of non-attendance) but below that we do not provide a certificate-- sorry, no exceptions, regardless of reason (much as we’d want to!). But we are very sympathetic to circumstances, and so if you for any reason cannot meet the 320 minutes of teaching time, we can offer you to attend a future webinar at half-cost. Please remember also that if you switch to a mobile device (phone or tablet) you need to email or text Chris Jones that info so that you get credit for those minutes as well.
- Can be identified on the automated Zoom attendance report.
- Please remember the name you list on Zoom during the day will be listed on your certificate (see "During the Training" section above). We can only make a correction to the name if it's our error.
- Please don't ask the trainer or Chris Jones during the training if you'll earn a certificate. Sometimes people email us their individual situation on how many minutes they need to be away from the training, but we can't comment on that. If you meet the criteria above and show up on the Zoom, you'll get a certificate :)
- All certificates are emailed within 2 weeks of the training, but typically much sooner as we're typically feeling jazzed up and want to help.
- Even if you don't earn a certificate, consider yourself hugged-- we value the work you do!
- For all certificates: Sorry, no exceptions, regardless of reason (much as we’d want to!); we’re subject to audit for certificates.
- All of the above also apply to continuing education credits (CEs).
- You can obtain 6 CEs for our 1 day webinar, and can purchase them at any time (before, during or after the training). Click here to purchase them but be sure to see our list of CE types and our CE information page prior to purchase. Please note that we can't issue refunds for CEs for any reason, including not attending enough of the training.
- We can't comment on what CE types will be accepted for any particular person and don't want to steer you wrong, so please contact your professional organization or license board if needed.
problems with technology
We get it! Tech issues happen. See below for solutions and contact your IT department for additional help. Sorry, but the trainer can't address tech help unless everyone at the training is affected by the same issue. Our wonderful trainer needs to focus on the training.
- Connection problems. Try turning off your webcam; that often helps as the first step. If that doesn't work, try signing off, reboot your computer, and sign in again to the webinar using the Zoom link that was emailed to you.
- I can't see the polls. This likely relates to your settings or your computer if others can see the polls but you can't. You may want to ask your IT department or see if you can find your settings and poke around there
- I can't hear/see the Zoom meeting. This is most likely an issue with your internet, so the first step is to log off and back on, and do not worry as we will let you back in immediately. If this does not solve things, you may need to call in through a phone number. If you need to do this, please inform us via email ([email protected]) so you can receive credit for your attendance.
- I don't have a microphone, how can I participate in breakout rooms? If you don't have a microphone, you can call in through a phone number, as mentioned above. You will need to email us ([email protected]) so we know who the phone number belongs to. If we do not know who the number belongs to, we may not be able to admit you to the webinar, and you may not receive attendance credit.
- For audio issues visit this link for troubleshooting.
- General Zoom help is here.
Future training options
- News-flash! After you attend this training, you are welcome to sign up for the Advanced Seeking Safety webinar (see our open webinar page for dates available). It is highly interactive with a lot of clinical exercises as well as the opportunity to share their successes, obstacles and case examples.
- See other open webinars as well (anyone can register). We offer Seeking Safety monthly and other trainings at least once a year (Advanced Seeking Safety, a training on the Seeking Safety Adolescent Toolkit, and a training on Finding Your Best Self).
- We offer consultation after a training and optional certification (but if you’re conducting research that will be published, that is required).
- We train on additional topics for agencies that book their own training with us.
here's how to contact chris jones to get more help
We want to help! Contact [email protected]; 617-299-1640. Email is best; if you text or call, it will take longer to get a reply. Also please allow time-- we are likely helping others too :)