seeking safety fidelity scales
Fidelity scales are available, also known as adherence scales. All are free downloads for your clinical or research work. Please note that if you are conducting a publishable research study on Seeking Safety it is required to obtain training and certification in fidelity by our team; contact us for details. For clinical use, any of the scales below can be used without certification, although certification is possible (see our Fact Sheet on Training for more information or contact us).
(1) The Seeking Safety Fidelity Scale, Long Version (also called an "adherence scale") evaluates a clinician's fidelity based on listening to a full Seeking Safety session (audio, video, or live observation). This long scale is used for research and for high-quality clinical work. It is also a very useful teaching tool. It is a validated scale. (1a) The Score Sheet is filled out by the supervisor or rater for use with the Seeking Safety Fidelity Scale, Long Version.
(1b) See a real example of the completed score sheet. It is the gold-standard rating for Seeking Safety DVD #4 -- Adherence Training Video.
(2) The Seeking Safety Brief Fidelity Form can be used for clinical purposes but not for research. It is also available in French. Although there is no empirically-based scoring of this brief form, we consider an average of 2 or higher per category to be a good indicator of quality work. But we also look for growth over time as it's possible to keep getting a 2 average, but not improving on the elements in the scale.
(3) The Seeking Safety Session Format Checklist is a checklist of key elements of the session but is not needed if an Adherence Scale (long or brief) is used.
(4) The Seeking Safety Supervisor Certification Scale (7/2022 version)
(1) The Seeking Safety Fidelity Scale, Long Version (also called an "adherence scale") evaluates a clinician's fidelity based on listening to a full Seeking Safety session (audio, video, or live observation). This long scale is used for research and for high-quality clinical work. It is also a very useful teaching tool. It is a validated scale. (1a) The Score Sheet is filled out by the supervisor or rater for use with the Seeking Safety Fidelity Scale, Long Version.
(1b) See a real example of the completed score sheet. It is the gold-standard rating for Seeking Safety DVD #4 -- Adherence Training Video.
(2) The Seeking Safety Brief Fidelity Form can be used for clinical purposes but not for research. It is also available in French. Although there is no empirically-based scoring of this brief form, we consider an average of 2 or higher per category to be a good indicator of quality work. But we also look for growth over time as it's possible to keep getting a 2 average, but not improving on the elements in the scale.
(3) The Seeking Safety Session Format Checklist is a checklist of key elements of the session but is not needed if an Adherence Scale (long or brief) is used.
(4) The Seeking Safety Supervisor Certification Scale (7/2022 version)
Fidelity scale for the Best Self model
Finding Your Best Self is a new model that can be facilitated or used as self-help. If facilitated, there is a Brief Fidelity Form for it.
Fidelity scale for the Creating Change model
Creating Change is a model that will come out in 2023. There is a fidelity form for it.
Tips on selecting measures for your work
a) Trauma Symptom Checklist-40 (trauma-related symptoms) and other trauma measures
b) PTSD Checklist, DSM-5 criteria
Substance abuse measures
a) University of New Mexico Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions
b) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
a) Provider Quality of Life: Compassion fatigue and satisfaction
b) REACT Scale (Ratings of Emotional Attitudes to Clients by Treaters). For a copy of the measure,
email [email protected]; click here here for scoring of it.
Finding Your Best Self is a new model that can be facilitated or used as self-help. If facilitated, there is a Brief Fidelity Form for it.
Fidelity scale for the Creating Change model
Creating Change is a model that will come out in 2023. There is a fidelity form for it.
Tips on selecting measures for your work
- Choosing assessment tools requires thinking out your goals, time frame, client reading level, staff resources, training, and other considerations (such as whether your goal is publishable research or internal quality improvement). There is no one set of assessments.
- Please note that we can provide consultation on assessment only as part of formal research projects or on-site trainings, due to time limits, but, we hope the resources here may be of help to you.
- See Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services (Treatment Improvement Protocol #57) by SAMHSA, which is freely downloadable and has various assessment tools related to trauma.
- See Najavits, LM (2004). Assessment of PTSD and substance abuse: A practical guide. In J.P. Wilson & T. Keane, Assessment of Psychological Trauma and PTSD. New York: Guilford. This chapter offers specific options and resources.
- See completed research studies. Explore assessments used by others in their studies.
- See Najavits LM (2003). How to design an effective treatment outcome study. Journal of Gambling Studies, 19:317-337.
- Explore the measures below. All are self-report, brief, and can be freely copied and used without charge. But see each scale developer's guidelines for any limitations. Also, please understand that we cannot provide any further information on these measures; for questions contact the scale developer.
a) Trauma Symptom Checklist-40 (trauma-related symptoms) and other trauma measures
b) PTSD Checklist, DSM-5 criteria
Substance abuse measures
a) University of New Mexico Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions
b) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
a) Provider Quality of Life: Compassion fatigue and satisfaction
b) REACT Scale (Ratings of Emotional Attitudes to Clients by Treaters). For a copy of the measure,
email [email protected]; click here here for scoring of it.