Certifications in Seeking safety
Thanks for your interest in Seeking Safety certification.
Three types of certification
All can be done by telephone, paced in any way that works for you. Click to read about each type.
(1) Certification in Conducting Seeking Safety
(2) Certification in Fidelity Rating for Seeking Safety
(3) Certification in Seeking Safety Supervision
Is certification required?
Certification (and training) are required for formal research that will be published but is otherwise optional . If you are conducting research, please contact us on the front end to work out a plan.
Cost calculation
Download our 2025 cost spreadsheet
. We can help you with this! Just ask.
Next step
If you'd like to potentially move forward on this certification, please fill out the Training Request Form on our Training page, and we'll be happy to identify a trainer (filling out the form doesn't obligate you, but is the first step).
Three types of certification
All can be done by telephone, paced in any way that works for you. Click to read about each type.
(1) Certification in Conducting Seeking Safety
(2) Certification in Fidelity Rating for Seeking Safety
(3) Certification in Seeking Safety Supervision
Is certification required?
Certification (and training) are required for formal research that will be published but is otherwise optional . If you are conducting research, please contact us on the front end to work out a plan.
Cost calculation
Download our 2025 cost spreadsheet
. We can help you with this! Just ask.
Next step
If you'd like to potentially move forward on this certification, please fill out the Training Request Form on our Training page, and we'll be happy to identify a trainer (filling out the form doesn't obligate you, but is the first step).