training information
We're happy to help you obtain training that meets your needs. There is a lot of flexibility. See the brief summary below and then, if desired, dive into the detailed fact sheet that follows.
a brief summaRy of training options
1. Training can be via zoom webinar or on-site (and we also offer phone consultation). Our webinars are identical to the in-person training-- we use all the same exercises and videos.
2. If you are training up to 20 people we suggest that your best option is to attend our open webinar 1-day training. It is a highly interactive, experiential training that is also typically the least costly method.
3. If you are training more than 20 people, or want a training just for your agency (a “closed” training), or want a longer or shorter training (we do training up to two days, and can also do shorter ones of any length), our
2024 Training Information Sheet provides options and costs (the latter are in section 6). If you decide to move forward, fill out our 2024 Training Request Form. Completing this form does not obligate you in any way. It is just a preliminary form, after which we will get back to you with some options that you can choose to pursue or not.
4. How many can attend a closed training (i.e., just for your agency)? Any number you choose for an on-site training and up to 290 for a webinar; however:
5. We also train on many different topics. These also include trauma informed care; certification (which is not required except for research-- see point #5 below-- but can be helpful for regular clinical implementation too so as to create strong quality of work among your staff); zoom/phone consultation called Theme Based Calls, and other options. You can customize and combine different topics for your agency, if desired.
6. If you are conducting a research study where you will make the results publicly available (such as a pilot study or randomized controlled trial that will report outcomes), be sure to read our research information for requirements for training and fidelity.
7. We also offer other training types that may be useful, including for sustainability (new staff over time)
8. Note that books and materials from our store are not part of the training but all providers who will implement Seeking Safety or Finding Your Best Self needs their own book (per the publisher). Both e-book and paperback are available. We also have translations in many different languages including Spanish and have other implementation materials that can be helpful such as a card deck of coping skills to play therapeutic games, posters, wallet cards, etc.
9. Is "train the trainer" available? Per our FAQ page:
We are happy to offer a Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to Your Agency and also a Teaching Guide to Introduce A Woman's Path to Recovery. These guides can be used by anyone to introduce the models within your own agency (but you can't charge people or entities to attend, and it can't be provided outside your own agency unless there's advance written permission. The facilitator can be anyone who wants to help bring others on board to learn about the models within their agency. It's a great way to create sustainability of the model. Note that we do not call this person a "trainer" but rather a "facilitator" or a "Seeking Safety champion." We distinguish it from a "trainer" because simply attending a “train-the-trainer” workshop is no guarantee of quality. We also currently offer many options on training, including onsite training, DVD training series, online training, webinars, and consultation calls that can be used alone or with any of those other options (see our Training page). What may also be especially helpful is to become certified; this is not required (unless research is being conducted), but we do have three levels of certification that may be of interest. Some people within an agency do the Fidelity Rater and Supervisor Rater certification, for example.
10. If you have specific questions that are not answered above, please email those and we will be happy to have our training coordinator, Jamie Miller, get in touch with you. For example, some programs are looking to do a very large training effort across a lot of different locations or are trying to create a training plan for a research study or grant proposal, etc.
You may be interested to know...
Anyone can train in Seeking Safety-- no specific degree, license or background is required. It is a very safe model. It has also been conducted by peers. Also there is no limit on the number of people who can attend a Seeking Safety training. See the FAQs on our website for more.
We will be happy to work with you in any way that best fits your needs.
2. If you are training up to 20 people we suggest that your best option is to attend our open webinar 1-day training. It is a highly interactive, experiential training that is also typically the least costly method.
3. If you are training more than 20 people, or want a training just for your agency (a “closed” training), or want a longer or shorter training (we do training up to two days, and can also do shorter ones of any length), our
2024 Training Information Sheet provides options and costs (the latter are in section 6). If you decide to move forward, fill out our 2024 Training Request Form. Completing this form does not obligate you in any way. It is just a preliminary form, after which we will get back to you with some options that you can choose to pursue or not.
4. How many can attend a closed training (i.e., just for your agency)? Any number you choose for an on-site training and up to 290 for a webinar; however:
- attendees can only be from your own agency and no one can be charged to attend unless there's an advance written agreement specifying the terms (e.g., maximum number of people and rate); we can work with you to come up with something acceptable all around.
- we suggest having fewer than 290 for the webinar as breakout rooms and discussion become more challenging with high numbers such as those
5. We also train on many different topics. These also include trauma informed care; certification (which is not required except for research-- see point #5 below-- but can be helpful for regular clinical implementation too so as to create strong quality of work among your staff); zoom/phone consultation called Theme Based Calls, and other options. You can customize and combine different topics for your agency, if desired.
6. If you are conducting a research study where you will make the results publicly available (such as a pilot study or randomized controlled trial that will report outcomes), be sure to read our research information for requirements for training and fidelity.
7. We also offer other training types that may be useful, including for sustainability (new staff over time)
- Seeking Safety training DVDs
- Seeking Safety online learning (but if you can, the open webinar is a stronger choice)
- A Teaching Guide for Seeking Safety (and also a Teaching Guide for A Woman's Path to Recovery) to introduce the model(s) to your agency
8. Note that books and materials from our store are not part of the training but all providers who will implement Seeking Safety or Finding Your Best Self needs their own book (per the publisher). Both e-book and paperback are available. We also have translations in many different languages including Spanish and have other implementation materials that can be helpful such as a card deck of coping skills to play therapeutic games, posters, wallet cards, etc.
9. Is "train the trainer" available? Per our FAQ page:
We are happy to offer a Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to Your Agency and also a Teaching Guide to Introduce A Woman's Path to Recovery. These guides can be used by anyone to introduce the models within your own agency (but you can't charge people or entities to attend, and it can't be provided outside your own agency unless there's advance written permission. The facilitator can be anyone who wants to help bring others on board to learn about the models within their agency. It's a great way to create sustainability of the model. Note that we do not call this person a "trainer" but rather a "facilitator" or a "Seeking Safety champion." We distinguish it from a "trainer" because simply attending a “train-the-trainer” workshop is no guarantee of quality. We also currently offer many options on training, including onsite training, DVD training series, online training, webinars, and consultation calls that can be used alone or with any of those other options (see our Training page). What may also be especially helpful is to become certified; this is not required (unless research is being conducted), but we do have three levels of certification that may be of interest. Some people within an agency do the Fidelity Rater and Supervisor Rater certification, for example.
10. If you have specific questions that are not answered above, please email those and we will be happy to have our training coordinator, Jamie Miller, get in touch with you. For example, some programs are looking to do a very large training effort across a lot of different locations or are trying to create a training plan for a research study or grant proposal, etc.
You may be interested to know...
Anyone can train in Seeking Safety-- no specific degree, license or background is required. It is a very safe model. It has also been conducted by peers. Also there is no limit on the number of people who can attend a Seeking Safety training. See the FAQs on our website for more.
We will be happy to work with you in any way that best fits your needs.
detailed training informaTION
You can browse the detailed information below or download it (2023 Training Information Sheet).
Part 1 -- Topics we train on
We offer training on:
> See our Topics page to read a description of each of these including outline and objectives, handouts, etc.
> We can customize any specific focus relevant to your attendees, e.g., an emphasis on adolescents, criminal justice, etc.
- Seeking Safety (and/or Advanced Seeking Safety)
- Trauma-Informed Care (alone or combined with Seeking Safety training)
- How to monitor fidelity to Seeking Safety (alone or combined with Seeking Safety training)
- Supervisor training for Seeking Safety (alone or combined with any trainings above)
- Certification in conducting Seeking Safety (not required, but an option)
- Women and Addiction
- Creating Change (new model)
- Other topics are available on request (e.g., how to conduct research on Seeking Safety)
> See our Topics page to read a description of each of these including outline and objectives, handouts, etc.
> We can customize any specific focus relevant to your attendees, e.g., an emphasis on adolescents, criminal justice, etc.
Part 2 -- Length of training
Any training can be conducted for any length
- Plenary or other short talk. These are typically an hour or so, but sometimes shorter (15 minutes) or longer (2 hours).
- Workshop. These are several hours or a half day. Sometimes a combination of workshops is conducted (e.g., trauma-informed care, then Seeking Safety).
- 1 to 2 days. This is the usual length to learn the Seeking Safety model. The training can be 1 day, 1.5 days, or 2 days. Longer lengths allow greater discussion of implementation, more exercises and videos. However, a 1-day training is sufficient for attendees to learn the model and use it. See the training outline. Helpful tip: if you are organizing a conference, you could offer two workshops, such as Overview of Seeking Safety and Implementing Seeking Safety, rather than a full 1-day training.
Part 3 -- Format of the training
Trainings can be conducted onsite at your location, or in other formats if you choose (e.g., webinar or phone). There are also several other training formats, described here, all of which can be found in our online Store (, click Store on the menu bar, then Training Items):
- A set of Seeking Safety training DVDs (videos). The DVDs can be used after an in-person training to help create sustainability (e.g., new staff can watch the training videos and sit in on existing Seeking Safety sessions). For sites that cannot do an onsite training, the DVDs can also be combined with phone consultation and/or fidelity monitoring (see part 5 below).
- Online courses for Seeking Safety. There are 2 courses related to the book and 4 to the DVDs (see point above). They are available singly or all together, and with or without continuing education units.
- There is a Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to Your Agency. This is designed for anyone in an agency who wants to help staff learn about Seeking Safety. Who can be A Seeking Safety training facilitator? Anyone in the agency who has at least some clinical background; it is also preferable to have direct experience conducting Seeking Safety, if possible. The teaching guide is used in conjunction with the Seeking Safety Training DVDs. There is also a Teaching Guide to Introduce A Woman’s Path to Recovery to Your Agency, which is used with A Woman’s Addiction Workbook.
Part 4 -- Key details for any training – Frequently asked questions
Click here to see a list of all frequently asked questions
Part 5 -- Other training options -- followup training, phone consultation, fidelity, research
The options below can be done in addition to a regular on-site training and/or use of the Seeking Safety training DVDs (see part 3 above); or they can be contracted separately as desired.
Webinar. Our webinars are identical to in-person trainings-- we use all the same exercises and videos. We can set up the webinar on Zoom or you can use your own platform. We use break-out groups for the exercises and for a very large number of attendees (50 or more), chat and polling as well for questions/answers. We also suggest to have a maximum of 3 hours at a time in webinar format as people often find it difficult to be at their screen for longer. A one-day training is typically 6 hours of teaching time (not including breaks), so we suggest having a 3 hour segment on two different days rather than doing the 6 hours in one full day. Please note the following requirements for our webinars: (1) They cannot be recorded. (2) They can only be for people within your agency (not the general public or anyone outside your agency). (3) You cannot charge people to attend it. (4) The slides that are used for the webinar cannot be posted electronically after the webinar, distributed, nor stored. The standard Seeking Safety handouts can, however, be distributed, stored, etc.
We want to make webinars possible as a way to provide Seeking Safety training. Yet in the past, sometimes the training materials have been used in ways that have been problematic. Thus, we need to abide by these requirements. Thanks for understanding.
Phone consultation. This can be very helpful after a training to provide a place for clinicians to ask questions and discuss case scenarios, do role-plays, and otherwise deepen their understanding of Seeking Safety or other content.
--It is typically done as one-hour phone sessions, or you can request any other length.
--There is no limit on the number who can attend the phone sessions (as long as you are not charging them to attend; see point #2 in the previous section on this point).
--We offer a theme for each phone session (e.g., “Getting started with Seeking Safety,” “Working with challenging clients,” “Role-play of a session,” etc.). However, there is still plenty of time for open-ended discussion, topics the attendees would like to cover, and general questions-and-answers. For a detailed description of the 14 themed calls that we offer go to, Training, Consultation calls.
--For phone consultation related to Seeking Safety, we follow a format for phone sessions that mirrors the treatment itself (“parallel process”) to enhance learning. There is a check-in where clinicians are invited to state any topics they would like to cover in the session, any updates on how they are doing with the model, and whether they completed their “commitment” (homework related to learning) since the last phone session. At the end of the phone session, we do a check-out (“Name one thing you got out of the consultation,” “Commitment of new learning”).
--Phone consultation can also be used to train one or more of your staff in Fidelity Monitoring and/or Supervisor training (see below for details on each of these).
Fidelity monitoring. This is required for any research trial on Seeking Safety (e.g., a randomized controlled trial or other funded, formal outcome study that will be published). In addition, even aside from research, some agencies want to assure that their clinicians are conducting the Seeking Safety model with strong fidelity (i.e., consistent with the model). We can provide two options, and you can choose either or a combination.
(a) We can train your staff to conduct fidelity ratings for your agency. This is the most popular option as it builds sustainability. We can train one or more of your staff to conduct fidelity ratings and the person(s) receives a fidelity rater certificate once they complete this training. This allows your staff person to rate an unlimited number of staff within your agency. Please note, however, that this is not designed to allow your staff person to then teach others how to conduct fidelity ratings, nor to charge anyone outside your agency. It is solely agency-specific as the types of clients and settings differ and our training of your staff is solely within the context of your agency. Training one or more of your staff to conduct fidelity ratings involves a series of tapes that are rated by your staff person and our associate, and they compare their ratings until your staff person is able to achieve close ratings to our associate—typically 3 tapes are needed, but sometimes more. Note that we can provide the tapes for that (we have a set of standardized client interviews of real sessions of Seeking Safety on DVD) or you can provide the tapes. Also, as part of this process, there are phone consultations with your staff person to go over the fidelity scale and to discuss the tape ratings. These phone calls can be half hour or longer, and you can choose the length.
(b) Role-plays by phone, in which our Seeking Safety expert plays the client, and your clinician plays the clinician.
(c) Review of tapes of actual sessions with real clients (i.e., your clinician sends a taped session with his/her client or group). Most programs no longer do this due to HIPAA / confidentiality concerns, but if you are interested, there are ways to set up secure sending of tapes. Email us to discuss.
For any method above: Our associate uses the Seeking Safety Adherence Scale (long version). To see the scale, go to, section Assessment. The benefit of the long scale is that it offers highly detailed feedback that is relevant to clinical practice and offers a very strong learning opportunity. In addition, the phone discussion about the ratings with our associate also provided helpful feedback. The call can be attended by other clinicians as well, if desired, so they can benefit from hearing how fidelity is addressed. The associate always uses a compassionate, tactful approach so that even if there are flaws in the clinician’s conduct of Seeking Safety, it is used as a positive learning experience. When possible, we have the trainer who provided the onsite training (if any) also provide the fidelity monitoring, to help sustain the connection.
Supervisor training. This is the highest level that can be completed for Seeking Safety. It is designed for someone who has already completed the Fidelity Rater Training (see section above). Now the person learns how to provide feedback to supervisees who are implementing Seeking Safety. The feedback process is designed to mirror (be “parallel process”) to Seeking Safety sessions. There is a check-in and check-out, for example. The supervisor learns to provide feedback using the Seeking Safety Adherence Form, with guided role-plays of the process with our trainer. Once the supervisor achieves two good role-plays demonstrating the supervision process, s/he receives a certificate. Here too, the certificate allows your staff person to supervise an unlimited number of staff within your agency. Please note, however, that this is not designed to allow your staff person to then teach others how to conduct supervision or fidelity, nor to charge anyone outside your agency. It is solely agency-specific as the types of clients and settings differ and our training of your staff is solely within the context of your agency.
Certification in conducting Seeking Safety. Certification in conducting Seeking Safety is also possible—and is required for any research trial on Seeking Safety (e.g., a randomized controlled trial or any other outcome study that will be published or made publicly available). For clinical purposes too, some agencies ask us to certify one or more of their clinicians. This means that the clinician has completed at least two tapes or role-plays that obtain adequate positive ratings, as rated by our trainer. Note that certification is not required for routine clinical implementation, however, as the model is safe even when conducted with less than strong fidelity. Certification can be helpful, however, for agencies that want to obtain as strong fidelity to the model as possible. And, as noted it is required for formal research studies.
Advanced / followup training. Followup training can be helpful to reinforce learning, to help address implementation issues that arise once Seeking Safety is being conducted, and to address advanced topics. Some agencies choose to do a followup training 6 months or a year after the initial training.
Research and other consultation. We can also provide advice on research design, measures, help with data analysis and/or writing of papers for journal submission, as well as provide general research guidance. Also for extensive or ongoing contracts, Lisa Najavits sometimes is included so as to supervise the trainer and/or consult with the implementation team to provide guidance. Please note: if you plan to make a research study publicly available (e.g., a publication or other report of research results on the model), standards for training and fidelity are required; we are happy to speak with you about that-- please get in touch as early as possible.
Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to Your Agency. Our teaching guide is designed to be used by any staff member on your team, in conjunction with the Seeking Safety training DVDS and book. We also have a training facilitation guide for A Woman's Addiction Workbook (designed to be used with that book). You can obtain either or both. They were written by Lisa Najavits. See, Store, for additional information on this useful, low-cost option. The guide is web-only, and designed to be used from a computer, and only to train people within your agency (not to conduct outside trainings or to charge people to attend trainings).
Webinar. Our webinars are identical to in-person trainings-- we use all the same exercises and videos. We can set up the webinar on Zoom or you can use your own platform. We use break-out groups for the exercises and for a very large number of attendees (50 or more), chat and polling as well for questions/answers. We also suggest to have a maximum of 3 hours at a time in webinar format as people often find it difficult to be at their screen for longer. A one-day training is typically 6 hours of teaching time (not including breaks), so we suggest having a 3 hour segment on two different days rather than doing the 6 hours in one full day. Please note the following requirements for our webinars: (1) They cannot be recorded. (2) They can only be for people within your agency (not the general public or anyone outside your agency). (3) You cannot charge people to attend it. (4) The slides that are used for the webinar cannot be posted electronically after the webinar, distributed, nor stored. The standard Seeking Safety handouts can, however, be distributed, stored, etc.
We want to make webinars possible as a way to provide Seeking Safety training. Yet in the past, sometimes the training materials have been used in ways that have been problematic. Thus, we need to abide by these requirements. Thanks for understanding.
Phone consultation. This can be very helpful after a training to provide a place for clinicians to ask questions and discuss case scenarios, do role-plays, and otherwise deepen their understanding of Seeking Safety or other content.
--It is typically done as one-hour phone sessions, or you can request any other length.
--There is no limit on the number who can attend the phone sessions (as long as you are not charging them to attend; see point #2 in the previous section on this point).
--We offer a theme for each phone session (e.g., “Getting started with Seeking Safety,” “Working with challenging clients,” “Role-play of a session,” etc.). However, there is still plenty of time for open-ended discussion, topics the attendees would like to cover, and general questions-and-answers. For a detailed description of the 14 themed calls that we offer go to, Training, Consultation calls.
--For phone consultation related to Seeking Safety, we follow a format for phone sessions that mirrors the treatment itself (“parallel process”) to enhance learning. There is a check-in where clinicians are invited to state any topics they would like to cover in the session, any updates on how they are doing with the model, and whether they completed their “commitment” (homework related to learning) since the last phone session. At the end of the phone session, we do a check-out (“Name one thing you got out of the consultation,” “Commitment of new learning”).
--Phone consultation can also be used to train one or more of your staff in Fidelity Monitoring and/or Supervisor training (see below for details on each of these).
Fidelity monitoring. This is required for any research trial on Seeking Safety (e.g., a randomized controlled trial or other funded, formal outcome study that will be published). In addition, even aside from research, some agencies want to assure that their clinicians are conducting the Seeking Safety model with strong fidelity (i.e., consistent with the model). We can provide two options, and you can choose either or a combination.
(a) We can train your staff to conduct fidelity ratings for your agency. This is the most popular option as it builds sustainability. We can train one or more of your staff to conduct fidelity ratings and the person(s) receives a fidelity rater certificate once they complete this training. This allows your staff person to rate an unlimited number of staff within your agency. Please note, however, that this is not designed to allow your staff person to then teach others how to conduct fidelity ratings, nor to charge anyone outside your agency. It is solely agency-specific as the types of clients and settings differ and our training of your staff is solely within the context of your agency. Training one or more of your staff to conduct fidelity ratings involves a series of tapes that are rated by your staff person and our associate, and they compare their ratings until your staff person is able to achieve close ratings to our associate—typically 3 tapes are needed, but sometimes more. Note that we can provide the tapes for that (we have a set of standardized client interviews of real sessions of Seeking Safety on DVD) or you can provide the tapes. Also, as part of this process, there are phone consultations with your staff person to go over the fidelity scale and to discuss the tape ratings. These phone calls can be half hour or longer, and you can choose the length.
(b) Role-plays by phone, in which our Seeking Safety expert plays the client, and your clinician plays the clinician.
(c) Review of tapes of actual sessions with real clients (i.e., your clinician sends a taped session with his/her client or group). Most programs no longer do this due to HIPAA / confidentiality concerns, but if you are interested, there are ways to set up secure sending of tapes. Email us to discuss.
For any method above: Our associate uses the Seeking Safety Adherence Scale (long version). To see the scale, go to, section Assessment. The benefit of the long scale is that it offers highly detailed feedback that is relevant to clinical practice and offers a very strong learning opportunity. In addition, the phone discussion about the ratings with our associate also provided helpful feedback. The call can be attended by other clinicians as well, if desired, so they can benefit from hearing how fidelity is addressed. The associate always uses a compassionate, tactful approach so that even if there are flaws in the clinician’s conduct of Seeking Safety, it is used as a positive learning experience. When possible, we have the trainer who provided the onsite training (if any) also provide the fidelity monitoring, to help sustain the connection.
Supervisor training. This is the highest level that can be completed for Seeking Safety. It is designed for someone who has already completed the Fidelity Rater Training (see section above). Now the person learns how to provide feedback to supervisees who are implementing Seeking Safety. The feedback process is designed to mirror (be “parallel process”) to Seeking Safety sessions. There is a check-in and check-out, for example. The supervisor learns to provide feedback using the Seeking Safety Adherence Form, with guided role-plays of the process with our trainer. Once the supervisor achieves two good role-plays demonstrating the supervision process, s/he receives a certificate. Here too, the certificate allows your staff person to supervise an unlimited number of staff within your agency. Please note, however, that this is not designed to allow your staff person to then teach others how to conduct supervision or fidelity, nor to charge anyone outside your agency. It is solely agency-specific as the types of clients and settings differ and our training of your staff is solely within the context of your agency.
Certification in conducting Seeking Safety. Certification in conducting Seeking Safety is also possible—and is required for any research trial on Seeking Safety (e.g., a randomized controlled trial or any other outcome study that will be published or made publicly available). For clinical purposes too, some agencies ask us to certify one or more of their clinicians. This means that the clinician has completed at least two tapes or role-plays that obtain adequate positive ratings, as rated by our trainer. Note that certification is not required for routine clinical implementation, however, as the model is safe even when conducted with less than strong fidelity. Certification can be helpful, however, for agencies that want to obtain as strong fidelity to the model as possible. And, as noted it is required for formal research studies.
Advanced / followup training. Followup training can be helpful to reinforce learning, to help address implementation issues that arise once Seeking Safety is being conducted, and to address advanced topics. Some agencies choose to do a followup training 6 months or a year after the initial training.
Research and other consultation. We can also provide advice on research design, measures, help with data analysis and/or writing of papers for journal submission, as well as provide general research guidance. Also for extensive or ongoing contracts, Lisa Najavits sometimes is included so as to supervise the trainer and/or consult with the implementation team to provide guidance. Please note: if you plan to make a research study publicly available (e.g., a publication or other report of research results on the model), standards for training and fidelity are required; we are happy to speak with you about that-- please get in touch as early as possible.
Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to Your Agency. Our teaching guide is designed to be used by any staff member on your team, in conjunction with the Seeking Safety training DVDS and book. We also have a training facilitation guide for A Woman's Addiction Workbook (designed to be used with that book). You can obtain either or both. They were written by Lisa Najavits. See, Store, for additional information on this useful, low-cost option. The guide is web-only, and designed to be used from a computer, and only to train people within your agency (not to conduct outside trainings or to charge people to attend trainings).
Part 6 -- Cost of training and consultation
The cost for training is based on a per-day rate. For one of the associates, the standard per-day rate is $3100 (2024 rate), plus travel expenses if travel is involved. If it's a webinar there are no travel costs. There are no charges for travel time or preparation. Note: we always want to make trainings happen, so if your agency needs some other rate, please identify what you propose in the Training Request form. Other options may be available (e.g., trainers-in-training or a reduced fee arrangement). For Lisa Najavits to conduct the training is substantially higher (over twice as much per day; if you are considering this option, please email [email protected] to inquire about her rate).
Travel costs are described on the Planning Form. The form provides the opportunity to specify details on how you would like travel to be arranged, and also to provide all of the details needed to make logistics clear. The usual travel costs that are covered are coach airfare, hotel, per diem for meals or a meal rate as defined by you, ground transportation in the trainer’s home city (usually taxi, to get to and from the airport), and ground transportation in your location (to get to and from the airport there). The trainers are located in different cities - so if you are estimating travel, please consider their location. We always try to provide a trainer who is closest to your location when possible.
A flat-fee arrangement is also possible. Some agencies prefer to define all travel costs on the front end to have a final flat-fee plan. We can do this if desired—please indicate this in the 2024 Training Request Form and we will propose a flat-fee amount based on the trainer’s distance from your location.
The hourly rate for phone consultation, fidelity rating, supervisory rating, and research consultation. This is usually $200/hour (2024 rate), but as always, if you have some other rate in mind, please indicate that in the form at the end of this document. This rate is for telephone consultation, rating fidelity tapes (the length of the tape, plus add 15 minutes for the associate to fill out the fidelity scale), supervisory rating, and for research consultation
Books are additional, if desired. The training is designed so that attendees are not required to have a book at the training itself (e.g., the Seeking Safety book). If they choose to actually conduct the model, however, they will need a book. Thus, it is an option to provide a book for each attendee (as they appreciate seeing the full book as they go through the training), but this is not required. If you decide to order the books, they can be obtained using the Store at, which also allows for purchase orders by institutions.
We can provide alternatives as needed. This may include, for example, a flat-fee arrangement that includes all costs in one rate; different lengths of training; etc.
If you would like to charge people to attend, an advance written agreement is needed. It would specify the maximum number of people and the rate; we can work with you to come up with something acceptable all around.
Travel costs are described on the Planning Form. The form provides the opportunity to specify details on how you would like travel to be arranged, and also to provide all of the details needed to make logistics clear. The usual travel costs that are covered are coach airfare, hotel, per diem for meals or a meal rate as defined by you, ground transportation in the trainer’s home city (usually taxi, to get to and from the airport), and ground transportation in your location (to get to and from the airport there). The trainers are located in different cities - so if you are estimating travel, please consider their location. We always try to provide a trainer who is closest to your location when possible.
A flat-fee arrangement is also possible. Some agencies prefer to define all travel costs on the front end to have a final flat-fee plan. We can do this if desired—please indicate this in the 2024 Training Request Form and we will propose a flat-fee amount based on the trainer’s distance from your location.
The hourly rate for phone consultation, fidelity rating, supervisory rating, and research consultation. This is usually $200/hour (2024 rate), but as always, if you have some other rate in mind, please indicate that in the form at the end of this document. This rate is for telephone consultation, rating fidelity tapes (the length of the tape, plus add 15 minutes for the associate to fill out the fidelity scale), supervisory rating, and for research consultation
Books are additional, if desired. The training is designed so that attendees are not required to have a book at the training itself (e.g., the Seeking Safety book). If they choose to actually conduct the model, however, they will need a book. Thus, it is an option to provide a book for each attendee (as they appreciate seeing the full book as they go through the training), but this is not required. If you decide to order the books, they can be obtained using the Store at, which also allows for purchase orders by institutions.
We can provide alternatives as needed. This may include, for example, a flat-fee arrangement that includes all costs in one rate; different lengths of training; etc.
If you would like to charge people to attend, an advance written agreement is needed. It would specify the maximum number of people and the rate; we can work with you to come up with something acceptable all around.
Part 7 -- Logistics
Organizing a training. If you’d like to take the next step, please fill out the 2024 Training Request Form to help us identify how best to meet your training needs, but it doesn’t obligate you in any way—this is just a preliminary formIf you are exploring options for a training, please fill out the 2024 Training Request Form. This is a first step to help us identify how best to meet your training needs. By filling it out, you are not obligated in any way—this is just a preliminary form, after which we will get back to you with some options (which you can choose to pursue or not). Email the form to [email protected].
Note that you would not typically be contacting the trainer until later in the process. We have a centralized system for all training requests, and provide you with information on trainers’ dates, availability, and CVs. Lisa Najavits supervises all of the trainers and the training content, and can discuss options to help suit your needs.
We have a Planning Form to help make the process as smooth as possible. This includes audiovisual information, handouts, the training schedule, objectives, etc. You can also find this information online at, section Training, then Training Materials. The Planning Form is also there.
Contract. We use the Planning Form as a contract, but if you have a contract you need us to fill out, we can certainly do so.
Invoicing. For trainings, we typically invoice after a training, once travel is completed. However, if you need invoicing in advance, we can do that. For phone consultations, we typically invoice at the end of the project; but other timeframe are possible (please note we do not invoice more frequently than quarterly).
Recording a presentation. Recordings are not allowed. However if there is some special circumstance needed regarding recording, let us know.
Flexibility. We are happy to help meet your training needs in any way that is helpful to you. Please feel free to suggest other options or ideas, and to get in touch anytime.
Note that you would not typically be contacting the trainer until later in the process. We have a centralized system for all training requests, and provide you with information on trainers’ dates, availability, and CVs. Lisa Najavits supervises all of the trainers and the training content, and can discuss options to help suit your needs.
We have a Planning Form to help make the process as smooth as possible. This includes audiovisual information, handouts, the training schedule, objectives, etc. You can also find this information online at, section Training, then Training Materials. The Planning Form is also there.
Contract. We use the Planning Form as a contract, but if you have a contract you need us to fill out, we can certainly do so.
Invoicing. For trainings, we typically invoice after a training, once travel is completed. However, if you need invoicing in advance, we can do that. For phone consultations, we typically invoice at the end of the project; but other timeframe are possible (please note we do not invoice more frequently than quarterly).
Recording a presentation. Recordings are not allowed. However if there is some special circumstance needed regarding recording, let us know.
Flexibility. We are happy to help meet your training needs in any way that is helpful to you. Please feel free to suggest other options or ideas, and to get in touch anytime.