Key Details for Any Training - FAQs
1. How many people can attend? There is no limit. In many years of conducting trainings, we have found that large groups work just as well as smaller ones. Thus, we have conducted trainings with hundreds in the room or just a few people. All of the exercises and material remains the same. "The more the better" is the principle-- having many people learn at the same time does not decrease the learning, and does increase the public health goals of creating greater sustainability and shared knowledge.
2. Can other agencies or individuals be invited (and/or charged) to attend the training? Most entities that host a training do so on a non-profit basis such as training their internal staff only, i.e., not charging anyone to attend. In that case, you can invite as many to attend as you choose; there is no limit. However, if you are looking to create a training in which you will charge individuals (or any other entity) to attend, please email [email protected] to negotiate an arrangement with Treatment Innovations regarding the terms of such a training. We are happy to work with you to set something up that allows you to charge others, but this would need to be worked out in advance with a written agreement. Also, you may want to consider co-hosting a training with us. That is a new option as of that began in 2015. We have done it successfully and it provides a nice option to open up more training slots to people who are currently unable to locate an open training in their region. It can also help offset your training costs substantially. There is flexibility on how co-hosting can work. Some ideas include…
a. The training would be at your location, which could be onsite at your agency or if more space is needed, at a local university, hotel, or other space.
b. The training would be open to your staff and also to staff or clinicians from other locations. There is a definite need for more open trainings that clinicians can sign up for, and a co-hosted training can be a fine way to do this. The training would be listed on the Treatment Innovations website, which can help draw attendees.
c. We can help obtain continuing education units (CEUs) if you would like. We have a company that we work with who can provide those at low cost; or if you already have a way to provide CEUs, that’s fine too.
d. We would work out the financials to create a 50/50 split between your entity and ours, after all costs are accounted for.
e. We would provide the trainer, who is certified by Lisa Najavits to provide her training.
Interested? Email [email protected] and put “co-host a training” in the subject line. We can chat about options, with no obligation.
3. Which trainers are certified to conduct the training? On our website, we list the trainers who are certified to conduct our training, which is trademarked as of 2014. Lisa Najavits or one of her associates (Martha Schmitz, PhD; Brenda Underhill, MS; Kay Johnson, LICSW; Kevin Reeder, PhD; Gabriella Grant, MA, Joni Utley, Psy.D, Melissa Anderson, PhD, Sarah Gentry, LMHC). Lisa, the developer of Seeking Safety, has closely trained and supervised each of these certified trainers and can assure their quality as well as ensure that they are conducting the certified training (same slides, videos, exercises). Note that these are the only trainers who are authorized by her to conduct Seeking Safety training, and whose quality and content can be assured. All have conducted the Seeking Safety model for several years and have their trainings audiotaped and reviewed by Lisa on an on-going basis. Note that others sometimes create their own trainings, but we have no connection to them, nor have any verification of their quality. We do provide, however, a Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to Your Agency, which can be used by any staff person at your location. We also have a Teaching Guide to Introduce A Woman’s Path to Recovery at Your Agency. These provide options to help your staff to be introduced to either of these models, but without a formal training. We greatly value a public health approach and strive to offer various options and to be respectful of resource limitations. For more information on the Teaching Guides, see, section Store.
4. How much time is needed to book a training?. We can book trainings on short notice if needed (a few weeks), but the more time you allow the better, if possible.
5. What location and setup are needed? Trainings have been conducted at hotels, in conference centers, in agencies, etc. The room setup can be anything available (it does not require a particular setup of chairs).
6. Can the training be taped? Because we have actual training videos available (see link), we do not allow recording of any kind for any training (including webinars, unless agreed on in advance and in writing). The reason is that the training include video clips of real clients that are not allowed to be taped or further distributed; and also because the quality of the recording may be poor, or the nature of the questions/answers may not be relevant for further distribution.).
7. What materials are needed for attendees of the training? The training requires only the handouts that are freely downloadable from the website (section Training / training materials). However, to actually conduct Seeking Safety, the attendee would need the Seeking Safety book. Thus, it is an option to provide a book for each attendee (as they appreciate seeing the full book as they go through the training), but this is not required. If you decide to order the books, they can be obtained by clicking the “Order” section of the Seeking Safety website (which offers a discount for multiple books).
8. Can the training be closed? Can it be listed on your website? Yes, you can choose to close your training or we are happy to list it on our website if you want to open it up for anyone to register at no cost to them; if you plan to charge people to attend, you would just need to negotiate a written agreement with Treatment Innovations on the terms of that in advance (see point #2 above). Our Planning Form invites you to specify how you want us to list it.
9. Are CEUs provided? If you are interested in CEUs, you would need to apply for those if it is a training you are setting up. For such trainings, we do not obtain CEUs (continuing education units), nor provide nor fill out any application forms for CEUs. However, we do provide the information that you may need to fill out CEU applications. On the website (section Training), you will find a detailed timed outline of the training, objectives, etc.; we also provide the CV of the trainer. You can also choose to conduct a training without offering CEUs. If you co-host a training with us, we can provide CEUs via a company we work with on that.
10. Is “train the trainer” available? Can my staff conduct Seeking Safety trainings after they have attended the training? We have training DVDs available, and also an option available called a Teaching Guide that is combined with the Seeking Safety training DVDs and can be done by one of your staff. However, you would not be able to charge people to attend that (it would only be a nonprofit, non-charged, internal agency training). See the Store at for information on the Teaching Guide and training DVDs. Please note that we use these methods as these allow for a more reliable way to assure the content of training. At this point, we do not have a “train the trainer” option as it is not possible to guarantee the quality of the training provided without intensive training and supervision of the trainer. Currently the DVD training series, with or without the facilitation guide, allows for accurate content to be conveyed at minimal cost. Some agencies choose to combine this with consultation calls (see next section). We greatly value being able to provide low-cost and feasible options that promote high quality.
11. Can non-clinicians attend the training? Yes! Anyone can attend the full Seeking Safety training and per our website (see Questions section) anyone can conduct Seeking Safety (no specific license, degree, or experience is required). Also please note: the morning of the first day of training can be attended even by people who will never conduct Seeking Safety. The training starts with an overview that includes background about trauma-informed care, and substance abuse, a summary of the Seeking Safety model, etc. It can be helpful for “buy-in” throughout your treatment system if you invite a broad audience to this first part of the training, even if they will never actually conduct the model. The rest of the training (afternoon onward) provides detailed training on implementation of Seeking Safety so is typically attended by those will actually be conducting it Seeking Safety (although here too if you prefer all to attend the rest of the training, that’s fine too). By using this approach, you can invite anyone to attend at least some part of the training: program administrators, aides, ancillary staff, night staff, etc.
12. Do clinicians have to have a license or prior background to attend the training? No. Anyone can attend the training. And anyone in any setting who treats clients with trauma and/or substance abuse can conduct Seeking Safety. No specific degree or experience level is required. Seeking Safety has been successfully conducted by a very wide range of clinicians (substance abuse or mental health counselors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, bachelor’s level counselors, case managers, nurses, clinical trainees, domestic violence advocates, school counselors, etc.), and even peers. We have never heard of any adverse event or problem with this, in any setting. Because Seeking Safety focuses on coping skills in the present it is safe to use and easy to learn.
13. Please see also the Questions section of the website It addresses many other key points that may be of interest (e.g., implementation of the model, assessment, additional training information, use of the Seeking Safety materials, orders).
2. Can other agencies or individuals be invited (and/or charged) to attend the training? Most entities that host a training do so on a non-profit basis such as training their internal staff only, i.e., not charging anyone to attend. In that case, you can invite as many to attend as you choose; there is no limit. However, if you are looking to create a training in which you will charge individuals (or any other entity) to attend, please email [email protected] to negotiate an arrangement with Treatment Innovations regarding the terms of such a training. We are happy to work with you to set something up that allows you to charge others, but this would need to be worked out in advance with a written agreement. Also, you may want to consider co-hosting a training with us. That is a new option as of that began in 2015. We have done it successfully and it provides a nice option to open up more training slots to people who are currently unable to locate an open training in their region. It can also help offset your training costs substantially. There is flexibility on how co-hosting can work. Some ideas include…
a. The training would be at your location, which could be onsite at your agency or if more space is needed, at a local university, hotel, or other space.
b. The training would be open to your staff and also to staff or clinicians from other locations. There is a definite need for more open trainings that clinicians can sign up for, and a co-hosted training can be a fine way to do this. The training would be listed on the Treatment Innovations website, which can help draw attendees.
c. We can help obtain continuing education units (CEUs) if you would like. We have a company that we work with who can provide those at low cost; or if you already have a way to provide CEUs, that’s fine too.
d. We would work out the financials to create a 50/50 split between your entity and ours, after all costs are accounted for.
e. We would provide the trainer, who is certified by Lisa Najavits to provide her training.
Interested? Email [email protected] and put “co-host a training” in the subject line. We can chat about options, with no obligation.
3. Which trainers are certified to conduct the training? On our website, we list the trainers who are certified to conduct our training, which is trademarked as of 2014. Lisa Najavits or one of her associates (Martha Schmitz, PhD; Brenda Underhill, MS; Kay Johnson, LICSW; Kevin Reeder, PhD; Gabriella Grant, MA, Joni Utley, Psy.D, Melissa Anderson, PhD, Sarah Gentry, LMHC). Lisa, the developer of Seeking Safety, has closely trained and supervised each of these certified trainers and can assure their quality as well as ensure that they are conducting the certified training (same slides, videos, exercises). Note that these are the only trainers who are authorized by her to conduct Seeking Safety training, and whose quality and content can be assured. All have conducted the Seeking Safety model for several years and have their trainings audiotaped and reviewed by Lisa on an on-going basis. Note that others sometimes create their own trainings, but we have no connection to them, nor have any verification of their quality. We do provide, however, a Teaching Guide to Introduce Seeking Safety to Your Agency, which can be used by any staff person at your location. We also have a Teaching Guide to Introduce A Woman’s Path to Recovery at Your Agency. These provide options to help your staff to be introduced to either of these models, but without a formal training. We greatly value a public health approach and strive to offer various options and to be respectful of resource limitations. For more information on the Teaching Guides, see, section Store.
4. How much time is needed to book a training?. We can book trainings on short notice if needed (a few weeks), but the more time you allow the better, if possible.
5. What location and setup are needed? Trainings have been conducted at hotels, in conference centers, in agencies, etc. The room setup can be anything available (it does not require a particular setup of chairs).
6. Can the training be taped? Because we have actual training videos available (see link), we do not allow recording of any kind for any training (including webinars, unless agreed on in advance and in writing). The reason is that the training include video clips of real clients that are not allowed to be taped or further distributed; and also because the quality of the recording may be poor, or the nature of the questions/answers may not be relevant for further distribution.).
7. What materials are needed for attendees of the training? The training requires only the handouts that are freely downloadable from the website (section Training / training materials). However, to actually conduct Seeking Safety, the attendee would need the Seeking Safety book. Thus, it is an option to provide a book for each attendee (as they appreciate seeing the full book as they go through the training), but this is not required. If you decide to order the books, they can be obtained by clicking the “Order” section of the Seeking Safety website (which offers a discount for multiple books).
8. Can the training be closed? Can it be listed on your website? Yes, you can choose to close your training or we are happy to list it on our website if you want to open it up for anyone to register at no cost to them; if you plan to charge people to attend, you would just need to negotiate a written agreement with Treatment Innovations on the terms of that in advance (see point #2 above). Our Planning Form invites you to specify how you want us to list it.
9. Are CEUs provided? If you are interested in CEUs, you would need to apply for those if it is a training you are setting up. For such trainings, we do not obtain CEUs (continuing education units), nor provide nor fill out any application forms for CEUs. However, we do provide the information that you may need to fill out CEU applications. On the website (section Training), you will find a detailed timed outline of the training, objectives, etc.; we also provide the CV of the trainer. You can also choose to conduct a training without offering CEUs. If you co-host a training with us, we can provide CEUs via a company we work with on that.
10. Is “train the trainer” available? Can my staff conduct Seeking Safety trainings after they have attended the training? We have training DVDs available, and also an option available called a Teaching Guide that is combined with the Seeking Safety training DVDs and can be done by one of your staff. However, you would not be able to charge people to attend that (it would only be a nonprofit, non-charged, internal agency training). See the Store at for information on the Teaching Guide and training DVDs. Please note that we use these methods as these allow for a more reliable way to assure the content of training. At this point, we do not have a “train the trainer” option as it is not possible to guarantee the quality of the training provided without intensive training and supervision of the trainer. Currently the DVD training series, with or without the facilitation guide, allows for accurate content to be conveyed at minimal cost. Some agencies choose to combine this with consultation calls (see next section). We greatly value being able to provide low-cost and feasible options that promote high quality.
11. Can non-clinicians attend the training? Yes! Anyone can attend the full Seeking Safety training and per our website (see Questions section) anyone can conduct Seeking Safety (no specific license, degree, or experience is required). Also please note: the morning of the first day of training can be attended even by people who will never conduct Seeking Safety. The training starts with an overview that includes background about trauma-informed care, and substance abuse, a summary of the Seeking Safety model, etc. It can be helpful for “buy-in” throughout your treatment system if you invite a broad audience to this first part of the training, even if they will never actually conduct the model. The rest of the training (afternoon onward) provides detailed training on implementation of Seeking Safety so is typically attended by those will actually be conducting it Seeking Safety (although here too if you prefer all to attend the rest of the training, that’s fine too). By using this approach, you can invite anyone to attend at least some part of the training: program administrators, aides, ancillary staff, night staff, etc.
12. Do clinicians have to have a license or prior background to attend the training? No. Anyone can attend the training. And anyone in any setting who treats clients with trauma and/or substance abuse can conduct Seeking Safety. No specific degree or experience level is required. Seeking Safety has been successfully conducted by a very wide range of clinicians (substance abuse or mental health counselors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, bachelor’s level counselors, case managers, nurses, clinical trainees, domestic violence advocates, school counselors, etc.), and even peers. We have never heard of any adverse event or problem with this, in any setting. Because Seeking Safety focuses on coping skills in the present it is safe to use and easy to learn.
13. Please see also the Questions section of the website It addresses many other key points that may be of interest (e.g., implementation of the model, assessment, additional training information, use of the Seeking Safety materials, orders).
For more FAQ's, please click here