Many formats for training
Choose any training methods that work for you-- like a buffet, select what appeals. All of the methods below are modular-- they can be combined to fit your schedule, needs, and resources. See the training content page for the various topics we train on, including outlines and objectives. The training materials page has handouts and other practical information.
- Host an on-site, live training at your location. It can be any length you choose, up to two full days for any one topic including Seeking Safety standard or advanced training, fidelity training, supervisor training, trauma-informed training, and other topics. Our most popular length is 1 day. You can also combine topics with a day or over several days. On-site training is delivered by Lisa Najavits or one of her associates. For details and costs, see the Fact Sheet on Training. We also welcome the opportunity to co-host a training at your location.
- Attend an existing training-- see the training calendar. Note, however, that most trainings are closed, which means that they are available only to staff within the agency that has booked the training (not for outsiders to attend). If there is no open training in your region, consider hosting or co-hosting a training at your location (see above), or use any of the other methods below.
- Telephone consultation can be helpful for staff have already attended a formal training or instead of an onsite training (perhaps combined with training DVDs). Phone consultation can be done on any topic. The most popular phone consultation series are our Seeking Safety Theme Based Calls for all staff; fidelity rater training; supervisor training, and certification in conducting Seeking Safety (all described in the Fact Sheet on Training). There is also open-ended general phone consultation for Seeking Safety to discuss case scenarios, do role-plays, and deepen understanding of Seeking Safety or other content. Phone consultation is also available for research studies, such as planning out the design of a study or providing guidance for an on-going study. For any phone consultation, there is no limit on the number who can attend. The length can vary from ½ hour to 1 hour or more. The schedule can be whatever works for you—monthly, bimonthly, or on an as-needed basis. You can also try one phone consultation and then decide if you’d like to book more. The Fact Sheet on Training has a lot of information on phone consultation.
- A DVD training series is available for Seeking Safety. You can obtain all 4 DVDs totaling 4.5 hours, or obtain any of them separately. They include a full session of Seeking Safety conducted by Lisa Najavits with real clients, a 2 hour standard Seeking Safety training by Lisa Najavits, and other material.
- Online learning: there are 6 courses available for Seeking Safety-- 2 for the Seeking Safety book and 4 for the Seeking Safety training DVDs. You can do as few or many courses as you choose, with or without continuing education credits.
- A teaching guide is available to introduce Seeking Safety to your agency. There is also a teaching guide for A Woman's Path to Recovery. The teaching guides allow any staff person at your agency to help staff learn about one or both of these models. Who can be a training facilitator? Anyone in the agency who has at least some clinical background;
- Webinars can be done for any length, any topic. Please read more about how we do webinars in our Fact Sheet on Training, section 5.
- Talk to us. We can help you think through options that best fit your agency. After skimming through the Fact Sheet on Training (we promise- it helps!), email Jamie Miller, our training coordinator at [email protected] or text her at 617-299-1610 or use the Contact Form to set up a time so that we can help you identify what may work best for you.