needs to be edited if use in future Creating Change WEBINAR FAQS
Schedule for the day
The training is from 9:00AM - 12:15PM Eastern Time and includes a 15-minute mid-morning break.
Please note that the handouts are from the Creating Change manuscript, which is not yet published. We appreciate you honoring that these cannot be distributed via email or posted to any website. You can try the handouts just with your own clients if you choose to, but please let them know not to distribute them further. This is what Guilford Press, who will own the copyright, requires at this point. Also if you want to send any feedback about the handouts to Lisa (while there's still time for her to edit them, pre-publication) she welcomes that! You can email her at [email protected].
Day 1 handouts 10/3/22
It's best if you can unmute and speak directly rather than in the chat-- this way we can best hear what you're aiming to say. If you prefer the Chat, please note that Lisa will be checking it only occasionally, such as during the breaks.
When can I obtain the book?
The training is from 9:00AM - 12:15PM Eastern Time and includes a 15-minute mid-morning break.
- Please be aware of your timezone and use this easy timezone converter to help.
Please note that the handouts are from the Creating Change manuscript, which is not yet published. We appreciate you honoring that these cannot be distributed via email or posted to any website. You can try the handouts just with your own clients if you choose to, but please let them know not to distribute them further. This is what Guilford Press, who will own the copyright, requires at this point. Also if you want to send any feedback about the handouts to Lisa (while there's still time for her to edit them, pre-publication) she welcomes that! You can email her at [email protected].
Day 1 handouts 10/3/22
- The 23 Creating Change Topics
- Respect Your Defenses
- Creating Change skills
- What you want people to understand
- Session format
- Full topic: Your Personal Truth
It's best if you can unmute and speak directly rather than in the chat-- this way we can best hear what you're aiming to say. If you prefer the Chat, please note that Lisa will be checking it only occasionally, such as during the breaks.
When can I obtain the book?
- The book will be available in 2023. To join our contact list, please do so here.
- This is most likely an issue with your internet, so the first step is to log off and back on, and do not worry as we will let you back in immediately. If this does not solve things, you may need to call in through a phone number. If you need to do this, please let me know that it is you so you can receive credit for your attendance. If these solutions don't work, please contact Chris Jones through email or zoom chat so we can do our best to help you.
- If you don't have a microphone, you can call in through a phone number, as mentioned above. You will need to message us so we know who the phone number belongs to. If we do not know who the number belongs to, we may not be able to admit you to the webinar, and you may not receive attendance credit.
- Our powerpoint slides, unfortunately, are not distributed. There are various reasons why we stopped sharing the powerpoint some years ago but the gist is that we used to release the slides but then some people would take the slides, say they were trained by us, and then hold their own training on the model and give substantial misinformation. Thanks for understanding.
- Thanks for your interest in CEs. You can see a list of types of CEs we offer. We cannot comment on what types will be accepted for any particular person but the list there is comprehensive. You can order it with this link.
- Certificates are issued within two weeks from the training date but we try to send them as soon as we can.