SEEKING SAFETY translations

Many translations are available and we are grateful to colleagues who have created these. If you are interested in translating the book or part of it, please scroll to the bottom for information. Advance written permission is needed-- we're happy to help
with that!
Languages: Arabic, Chinese (two versions, simplified and traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese. There are also versions in American Sign Language, and audio for blind or dyslexic
with that!
Languages: Arabic, Chinese (two versions, simplified and traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese. There are also versions in American Sign Language, and audio for blind or dyslexic
The Arabic translation is 540 pages and is the complete Seeking Safety book, professionally translated by Dr. Abullah and colleagues at the Naufar Program in Doha, Qatar.
Chinese (traditional) seeking safety
安全導向治療 —針對創傷後壓力症及 酗酒濫藥的治療手冊
This Traditional Chinese translation was done by New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center in Hong Kong (2023). it is 243 pages, with a simple cover and binding. It includes the client handouts and counselor sheets (but not the full book). Special thanks to Ms. June Tang and her colleagues for the translation.
This Traditional Chinese translation was done by New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center in Hong Kong (2023). it is 243 pages, with a simple cover and binding. It includes the client handouts and counselor sheets (but not the full book). Special thanks to Ms. June Tang and her colleagues for the translation.
chinese (Simplified) seeking safety
寻求安全: 创伤后应激障碍和 物质滥用治疗手册
The Simplified Chinese translation of Seeking Safety (2014) is in simplified Chinese. It is the complete book and is 459 pages with a simple cover and binding. Special thanks to Dr. Hui Qi Tong, for all that she did to help make this translation possible.
The Simplified Chinese translation of Seeking Safety (2014) is in simplified Chinese. It is the complete book and is 459 pages with a simple cover and binding. Special thanks to Dr. Hui Qi Tong, for all that she did to help make this translation possible.
danish seeking safety
This Danish translation of Seeking Safety is the complete book and totals 381 pages. It was translated by Drs. Sheila Jones and Sidsel Karsberg of Aarhus University, Denmark, in 2024 and includes an introduction by them. It is identical to the English book, except for one topic (Community Resources) and small language edits for the Danish cultural context. The book has a spiral back and plastic cover. It is available here.
dutch seeking safety
Seeking Safety: Handboek behandeling trauma en verslaving
The Dutch translation of Seeking Safety is the complete book except that the publisher omitted the entire list of safe coping skills from the chapter "Safety" (for unknown reasons). It was translated by Margreet van der Meer-Jansma, and Hein de Haan, and Cor de jong of the Tactus Addictioncare program in the Netherlands and published by Bohn, Stafleu, van Loghum. This item can also be ordered from
Also in Dutch:
The Dutch translation of Seeking Safety is the complete book except that the publisher omitted the entire list of safe coping skills from the chapter "Safety" (for unknown reasons). It was translated by Margreet van der Meer-Jansma, and Hein de Haan, and Cor de jong of the Tactus Addictioncare program in the Netherlands and published by Bohn, Stafleu, van Loghum. This item can also be ordered from
Also in Dutch:
- A free book chapter translated into Dutch on Psychotherapies for PTSD by Lisa Najavits (2007)
French seeking safety
À la recherche de la sécurité: Une guide de traitement de l’ESPT et de l’abus des substances
Professionally translated into French under the direction of Josee Senechal of the Centre de Sante Valcartier, Quebec, Canada, for the Canadian government. It is the complete book, totals 420 pages, and is intended for all French speaking countries. It is identical to the 2002 book except that it has a simple cover and binding.
Also in French...
Professionally translated into French under the direction of Josee Senechal of the Centre de Sante Valcartier, Quebec, Canada, for the Canadian government. It is the complete book, totals 420 pages, and is intended for all French speaking countries. It is identical to the 2002 book except that it has a simple cover and binding.
Also in French...
- A 1-page reminder list of the Safe Coping Skills
- A free copy of the French translation of the Seeking Safety topic, Asking for Help
- The Seeking Safety Brief Adherence Form (which can be used for clinical purposes but not for research) is available in French.
- A free scale to assess the Safe Coping Skills.
- Pilot studies of the French Seeking Safety by Daouest et al.; Lapointe et al.; and Freyd-Harleaux & Stentz
german seeking safety
Posttraumatische Belastungsstorung und Substanzmissbrauch: Das Therapieprogramm Sicherheit finden
The German translation of Seeking Safety (2008) is the complete book. It was translated by psychiatrist Dr. Ingo Schaefer, Martina Stubenvoll and Anne Dilling at the University of Hamburg. This item can also be ordered from or from the German publisher. Also the book Finding Your Best Self is available in German.
The German translation of Seeking Safety (2008) is the complete book. It was translated by psychiatrist Dr. Ingo Schaefer, Martina Stubenvoll and Anne Dilling at the University of Hamburg. This item can also be ordered from or from the German publisher. Also the book Finding Your Best Self is available in German.
greek seeking safety
Αναζητούν ασφάλεια: Θεραπεία Οδηγός ΜΤΣ και κατάχρηση ουσιών
The Greek translation of Seeking Safety is the complete book and totals 407 pages. It was professionally translated by Loretta Brady, PhD and Alicia Triantos (2015).
Also in Greek...
The Greek translation of Seeking Safety is the complete book and totals 407 pages. It was professionally translated by Loretta Brady, PhD and Alicia Triantos (2015).
Also in Greek...
- A free copy of the Seeking Safety topic, Asking for Help
- Free download of the basic handouts from the standard Seeking Safety training in Greek, translated by the Kethea Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals in Athens
- Free download of published interview of Lisa Najavits in Greek
Italian seeking safety
In cerca di sicurezza. Un manuale per il trattamento di PTSD e abuso di sostanze
The Italian translation of Seeking Safety provides the client handouts only and totals 180 pages. It was professionally translated by Dr. Mario Franzini and Dr. Paola Mazzardi in Brescia, Italy (2017). Dr. Franzini is a psychiatrist and Dr. Mazzardi is a psychologist. The translation has a simple cover and binding.
The Italian translation of Seeking Safety provides the client handouts only and totals 180 pages. It was professionally translated by Dr. Mario Franzini and Dr. Paola Mazzardi in Brescia, Italy (2017). Dr. Franzini is a psychiatrist and Dr. Mazzardi is a psychologist. The translation has a simple cover and binding.
Published in 2018, the full book is available in Japanese, professionally translated and available through a Japanese publisher. Also the book Finding Your Best Self is available in Japanese.
Published in 2019, the full book is available in Japanese, professionally translated and available through a Korean publisher. Also available in Korean: Finding Your Best Self.
polish seeking safety
Poszukiwanie Bezpieczenstwa
The Polish version of Seeking Safety is the complete Seeking Safety book, translated by Iwa Magryta-Wojda.
(2010), published by Wydawnictwo Uniwerstetu Jagiellonskiego in Krakow. Finding Your Best Self is also available in Polish.
The Polish version of Seeking Safety is the complete Seeking Safety book, translated by Iwa Magryta-Wojda.
(2010), published by Wydawnictwo Uniwerstetu Jagiellonskiego in Krakow. Finding Your Best Self is also available in Polish.
portuguese seeking safety
The Portuguese translation was produced by the University of Massachusetts Medical School. It has the client handouts only for 10 Seeking Safety topics: Case Management, Safety, PTSD: Taking Back Your Power, Grounding, Taking Good Care of Yourself, Compassion, Red & Green Flags, Setting Boundaries in Relationships, Respecting Your Time, Healing from Anger. The Portuguese translation was professionally translated. It has a simple cover and binding.
spanish seeking safety
En busca de la seguridad: Un manual de tratamiento para el TEPT y el abuso de sustancias
The Spanish translation was completed by professional translator Jaime Mauricio Fatimas Cabeza (2006). It is the complete book and totals 411 pages. You can also order copies of the Spanish handouts for clients as long as one complete book is purchased. Intended for North, South, and Central Americas but can also be used by readers in Spain. Identical to the 2002 book except that it has a simple cover and binding.
Also in Spanish...
The Spanish translation was completed by professional translator Jaime Mauricio Fatimas Cabeza (2006). It is the complete book and totals 411 pages. You can also order copies of the Spanish handouts for clients as long as one complete book is purchased. Intended for North, South, and Central Americas but can also be used by readers in Spain. Identical to the 2002 book except that it has a simple cover and binding.
Also in Spanish...
- Other Spanish Seeking Safety items (card deck of coping skills, magnet, key chain, 1 page list of skills)
- A free copy of the Seeking Safety topic Asking for Help
swedish seeking safety
Arbetsblad för patienter ur Seeking Safety: En behandlingsmanual för PTSD och missbruk
Professionally translated in Sweden by the (2008). It is 237 pages and provides the client handouts only. The Swedish translation was professionally translated. It has a simple cover and binding..
Also in Swedish...
Professionally translated in Sweden by the (2008). It is 237 pages and provides the client handouts only. The Swedish translation was professionally translated. It has a simple cover and binding..
Also in Swedish...
- A free copy of the Seeking Safety topic, Asking for Help
vietnamese seeking safety
The Vietnamese translation was produced by the University of Massachusetts Medical School. It is 64 pages and are the client handouts only for 10 Seeking Safety topics: Case Management, Safety, PTSD: Taking Back Your Power, Grounding, Taking Good Care of Yourself, Compassion, Red & Green Flags, Setting Boundaries in Relationships, Respecting Your Time, Healing from Anger. The Vietnamese translation was professionally translated. It has a simple cover and binding.
American sign language signs of safety
Dr. Melissa Anderson and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School have created various American Sign Language materials for Seeking Safety as part of the Deaf Yes! clinical research project funded by the National Institutes of Health. You can freely obtain their materials here.
visual impairment / learning disability audio / modifiable ebook
An audio version of most of the Seeking Safety book is available for the blind or dyslexic. It runs for 22 hours, and is available to qualified individuals from Learning Ally, a national nonprofit organization for the blind and dyslexic.
Also Bookshare offers a version for people with dyslexia, learning disabilities, visual impairments, physical disabilities, and other reading barriers. Per their website, "Listen to books, follow along with karaoke-style highlighting, read in braille or large font, and customize your reading experience with ebooks in formats that work for you."
Also Bookshare offers a version for people with dyslexia, learning disabilities, visual impairments, physical disabilities, and other reading barriers. Per their website, "Listen to books, follow along with karaoke-style highlighting, read in braille or large font, and customize your reading experience with ebooks in formats that work for you."
are you interested in translating seeking safety?
Super! We are happy to help support your goal. Please note.
1. Permission to translate must be obtained in writing, in advance, from the book publisher, Guilford Press, which owns the book copyright.
2. The best option is to find a publisher in your language and then put that publisher in touch with Guilford Press ([email protected]) and copy us on the email ([email protected]).
3. If you can't identify a publisher, it's possible to obtain permission for a translation that can be used in your work. As part of that, there is a secondary written agreement with us to offer it for sale from our website so that the translation is made available to others, and you would receive a percentage of each sale.
4. Neither Guilford Press nor we can fund the cost of translation. Thus far, interested colleagues have done the translation after getting the required written permission above.
5. It can be challenging to get an answer from Guilford Press at times as they are so busy. Please know we are happy to help facilitate that. Email us.
1. Permission to translate must be obtained in writing, in advance, from the book publisher, Guilford Press, which owns the book copyright.
2. The best option is to find a publisher in your language and then put that publisher in touch with Guilford Press ([email protected]) and copy us on the email ([email protected]).
3. If you can't identify a publisher, it's possible to obtain permission for a translation that can be used in your work. As part of that, there is a secondary written agreement with us to offer it for sale from our website so that the translation is made available to others, and you would receive a percentage of each sale.
4. Neither Guilford Press nor we can fund the cost of translation. Thus far, interested colleagues have done the translation after getting the required written permission above.
5. It can be challenging to get an answer from Guilford Press at times as they are so busy. Please know we are happy to help facilitate that. Email us.