articles on implementing seeking safety
See also the Library and Evidence sections of this website.
- Najavits LM. (1999). Seeking Safety: A new cognitive-behavioral therapy for PTSD and substance abuse. National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Clinical Quarterly, 8(40):42-45.
- Najavits LM (2000). Training clinicians to conduct the Seeking Safety treatment for PTSD and substance abuse. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. 18:83-98.
- Najavits LM (2002). Seeking Safety therapy for trauma and substance abuse. Corrections Today, 64: 136-140.
- Najavits LM (2002). Suggested protocol for selecting and training clinicians in Seeking Safety. Unpublished manuscript, McLean Hospital, Belmont MA.
- Najavits LM (2003). Seeking Safety: A new psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder. In: Trauma and Substance Abuse: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment of Comorbid Disorders (P. Ouimette & P. Brown, Eds.), pages 147-170. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.
- Najavits LM (2004). Implementing Seeking Safety therapy for PTSD and substance abuse: Clinical guidelines. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 2004; 22:43-62. Also, an earlier version of this article was online at Behavioral Health Recovery Management Project.
- Najavits LM (2006). Seeking Safety. In V Follette & JL Ruzek (Eds.), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma (2nd ed.), pages 228-257. New York: Guilford.
- Najavits LM (2007). Seeking Safety: An evidence-based model for substance abuse and trauma/PTSD. In: KA Witkiewitz & GA Marlatt (Eds.), Therapists' Guide to Evidence-Based Relapse Prevention: Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional, pages 141-167. San Diego: Elsevier Press.
- Najavits, LM (2009). Seeking Safety: An implementation guide. In A. Rubin & DW Springer (Eds). The Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
- Najavits, LM, Schmitz, M, Johnson, KM, Smith, C, North, T, Hamilton, N, Walser, R, Reeder, K Norman, S, Wilkins, K. (2009). Seeking Safety therapy for men: Clinical and research experiences. In Men and Addictions. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
- Najavits LM. (2011). Seeking Safety: Coping Skills. National Council Magazine, 2.
- Najavits, L.M. (2012). PTSD / substance use disorder comorbidity treatment: Principles and practices in real-world settings. Trauma Therapy in Context: The Science and Craft of Evidence-based Practice. McMackin, B., Newman, E., Fogler, J., Keane, T. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association Press.
- Schmitz, M.S. (2013). Schmitz, M. (2013). The case: treating Jared through Seeking Safety. Journal of clinical psychology, 69(5), 490-493.
- Davis, M. (2013). The colonel's war: Eric Welsh is on a mission to help veterans combat the unseen battle scars of PTSD. Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
- Najavits, L.M. (2014). Trauma and substance abuse: A clinician’s guide to treatment. In U. Schnyder, M. Cloitre (eds.), Evidence Based Treatments for Trauma-Related Psychological Disorders: A Practical Guide for Clinicians. New York: Springer Publishing.
- Najavits, L. M., & Palacholla, R. (2015). Substance abuse, military sexual trauma, and the Seeking Safety model. Treating Military Sexual Trauma: Springer, 119-133.
- Marsh, T. N., Coholic, D., Cote-Meek, S., & Najavits, L. M. (2015). Blending Aboriginal and Western healing methods to treat intergenerational trauma with substance use disorder in Aboriginal peoples who live in Northeastern Ontario, Canada. Harm Reduction Journal, 12(1), 14-25.
- Marsh, T. N., Cote-Meek, S., Toulouse, P., Najavits, L. M., & Young, N. L. (2015). The Application of Two-Eyed Seeing Decolonizing Methodology in Qualitative and Quantitative Research for the Treatment of Intergenerational Trauma and Substance Use Disorders. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 14(5), 1-13.
- Aldhous, P. (2015). Here's a war on drugs that we might actually win. Buzzfeed.
- Marsh, T. N., Cote-Meek, S., Young, N. L., Najavits, L. M., & Toulouse, P. (2016). Indigenous Healing and Seeking Safety: A Blended Implementation Project for Intergenerational Trauma and Substance Use Disorders. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 7,, epub ahead of print.
- Anderson, M.L. and Craig, K.S.W., (2018). Developing Therapy Approaches for Deaf Clients Impacted by Language Deprivation. In Language Deprivation and Deaf Mental Health (pp. 83-100). Routledge.
- Marsh, T. N., Marsh, D.C., Najavits, L. M. (2020). The impact of training indigenous facilitators for a two-eyed seeing research treatment intervention for intergenerational trauma and addiction. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 11. doi: 10.18584/iipj.2020.11.4.8623.
- Najavits, L.M. (2022). Trauma and Addiction: A Clinician’s Guide. In Evidence Based Treatments for Trauma-Related Psychological Disorders (2nd edition), edited by U. Schnyder and M. Cloitre. New York: Springer.
- Najavits, L.M. & Krause, S. (2023). Group delivery of Seeking Safety for trauma and/or addiction. Group Approaches to Treating Traumatic Stress in Adults (Ruzek, Yalch & Burkman, eds.). New York: The Guilford Press, 136-147.