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- Seeking Safety e-book (pdf)
Seeking Safety e-book (pdf)
Now available for the first time in electronic form! The full Seeking Safety book as an e-book, in PDF format, which is readable on all devices: laptop or desktop; iPad, iPhone, iPod touch; Android; Sony; Nook; Kobo; Chromebook.
The e-book is great for telehealth and also for regular in-person sessions. You can print the client handouts from the e-book if you order this PDF version. (A heads-up that if you order it on amazon.com, they offer only the Kindle version and that does not allow printing out the handouts.)
If you order the e-book, we will email you the link to it and you would click on that link to download it. If you are ordering for others in your agency, we can send you the full list of links to distribute to your staff in whatever timeframe you choose.
Per the publisher, Guilford Press, you can share the PDF handouts directly with your own clients (this is called "personal use." which is allowed), but not with colleagues or other providers. Each provider needs their own e-book PDF, per copyright law.
Please note e-books are typically sent within a few hours (same day as your order) or next day. If you need it asap, email [email protected] and we'll aim to get it to you asap!
If you prefer the hard copy paperback version of the book, we have that too.