peer study posting
Would you like to participate in a research project designed to evaluate a new mobile app (for smartphones and tablets)?
You may be eligible to participate in a study examining a new phone app if you are…
² 18-65 years old
² Have an Android phone (not an Iphone)
² Have a substance abuse problem
² Have problems from trauma (such as nightmares, flashbacks, depressed mood)
The new app is being developed to help people learn coping skills to aid their recovery from substance abuse and trauma.
If you are eligible for this project you can receive:
If you are interested in participating in the study or in finding out more about it, click here or text or call 617-299-1610.
Funded by the National Institutes on Health, this project is being conducted by
Lisa M. Najavits, PhD and Treatment Innovations of Newton, MA.
You may be eligible to participate in a study examining a new phone app if you are…
² 18-65 years old
² Have an Android phone (not an Iphone)
² Have a substance abuse problem
² Have problems from trauma (such as nightmares, flashbacks, depressed mood)
The new app is being developed to help people learn coping skills to aid their recovery from substance abuse and trauma.
If you are eligible for this project you can receive:
- The opportunity to be part of a focus group to offer feedback on app features
- The app to try out
- Online sessions to help you learn new coping
- Reimbursement for completing assessments
If you are interested in participating in the study or in finding out more about it, click here or text or call 617-299-1610.
Funded by the National Institutes on Health, this project is being conducted by
Lisa M. Najavits, PhD and Treatment Innovations of Newton, MA.